Saturday 19 November 2011

The Final Goodbye

My soul is calm and peaceful like the sound of a waterfall
Though some people may rise up against me, my heart will stand tall.
I'm heading for a place where death doesn't reside,
My soul will journey on with my father by my side,
My star will shine brighter as your tears subside,
As I crossed over,i gazed upon the sad faces of the ones that committed suicide.

When it rains heavily don't panic it's just my tear drop,
When u feel a strong wind, its just me passing by,
Remember me with a smile, and not with a teary eye, that will prolong my journey and leave my spirit at the bottom of the valley.
When you sit a lone reminiscing with a drink, with every sigh as u blink I'm closer than u think.

When u see me in your dream don't be alarmed I just came to visit.
The day u feel the urge to cry and u
don't know why, my star will be dim when u Look up in the sky,
That will be the final goodbye
for my number has been called to rest in the bosom of the most high


Written by:jones awuah

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